Buy many books at once

One of my new years goals this year is to read more, specifically 20 pages a day. I’m happy to report that I’ve only missed two or three days so far this year.
I’ve already read six books since I started and well on my way to finishing three more.
During my research for this goal, I came across a simple tip that I wanted to share. Buy many books at one time. If something sounds interesting, buy it. A friend mentioned a book, buy it. Heard someone mention one on Twitter, buy it. Don’t even read the reviews.
I took this advice and it has been wonderful. Previously I’d buy one at a time and doing many hours of research reading reviews, second guessing myself, finding others I might like better. Then finally ordering one. If it ended up being a slow read, boring, or just not interesting I was stuck until I either lost interest, chugged through it, or bought another. Typically this meant me losing interest and stopping reading completely.
Now if I pick one up that is boring, I have others sitting there ready to go. I even switch around depending on my mood for the day.
If this is not something you are doing I recommend trying it. It’s helped me tremendously.