1 min read

Daily Analog Log Books

This year I started keeping an analog log book and it’s been fun to flip back through it, but I noticed that due to the size of the notebook I’m not including tons of information for each day. So it’s great for the highlights but misses a lot of the little things that might not be important at the time but that later I might want to remember.

What I decided to try next is to get a bigger notebook and combine everything from one day into the sheet. The bullet todos, a mini calendar, notes, news, and other things that I find interesting. Here is an example from today:


Yesterday’s Log


The way this setup should be pretty self-explanatory by looking at it, but I start the day writing out the days important todos. Much like the bullet journal style. Next, I create the hourly calendar and attempt to schedule my day. I create an ideas section so I have a place to quickly write down things that come to mind throughout the day, and a news section for news that I was interested in. Typically this would be things I’d want to research later or think about writing about. Finally, the remainder of the page is left blank for notes, and other things. In this case, I was researching a reporting bug and found something that I wanted to research more but didn’t have time too.

Granted I’ve only been this for a short time (yesterday) I think I’m going to enjoy looking back and having so much more context around a single day.  Time will tell though.