Embracing Remote by Working Outside

Even though I’ve worked remote for years I’ve always been a work from a desk kind of person. I liked having everything in a certain spot, a certain daily routine, and the comfort of the mundane.
This year I’ve been thinking about ways of changing this. I debated getting an office in town away from home or possibly renting a spot at a coworking place. Both of those adds a lot of expense and I didn’t want to spend that much only to not use it.
Yesterday I decided to try something a little different by just riding my bike to a local trail system, putting up my hammock, and working. During the summer UserScape, where I work, gives us summer hours which means half day Fridays and i knew four hours would be a perfect opportunity to try this idea out.
I woke up Friday morning and grabbed some coffee and breakfast and then hit the road. The trails are ten miles away and because I haven’t ridden on a road bicycle in years I wasn’t sure how long it would take to ride. I left home at 6:50am which gave me an hour for the ride and the setup. After all was done it was 7:52 so it was almost a complete hour. What I didn’t account for was how slow riding the trails would be.
As I fired up my phones hotspot and did the morning checkin everything seemed to run smoothly. I contribute to this to the area where I live which is outside of Charlotte NC but close enough to get a lot of the bigger city infrastructure.
The morning went great with the only annoyance being that I didn’t bring any food and that morning ride really made me hungry.
Riding to some remote place in my city and working from a hammock is definitely something I plan to continue doing. It was awesome being out in nature. I seen fish feeding, birds flying by, and even a deer.
If you work remote and get bored working from home or a coffee shop give this a try. The new style hammocks are amazingly comfortable and you can experience the tranquility of nature.