1 min read

Golf Birdie Tracker

Golf is hard but that’s why I enjoy it. One day you could play the best you’ve ever played, the next day it could be the worst. To me that is the fun of it. As an amateur I’m always trying to get better and with golf being an individual sport it’s you against you. Of course, you can enter tournaments but even on the tour they are basically competing against themselves until the final few holes.

To make things fun a buddy and I that have about the same game started a new year long event where we try to birdie all 18 holes at our local course. The first to do it wins, and so far neither of us have came close. To help me track this any spreadsheet will work, but Notion is almost perfect with the way it’s designed.

I set up a simple table and then check boxes for each hole I birdie throughout the year.

It’s just a neat way looking back on your results and seeing what holes are your nemesis. Last year I was four away and three out of the four I’ve never birdied. So I have a lot of work to do for this year.