Good Intentions

I meet you through an acquaintance and that first meeting was so inspiring.
Just as I started to get to know you, an urgent task was handed to me. I thought I could finish it really quick and come back just where we left off.
A few hours passed and you waited so patiently. Of course, I hadn’t forgotten about you, but it’s working hours and fires have to be put out. I left you hanging and I’m sorry.
At the end of the day, I saved your info with every intention of looking you up again. But the next day I was too busy, and the next, and the next. I was selfish and I’m sorry.
Years later as I was cleaning out my Pocket I found your info again. I had no memory of that first meeting or the friend that introduced us. All I could do is trash it and I’m sorry.
Happy Valentines day to all the links I’ve promised to read and never did.