Keep Going — Austin Kleon
Austin Kleon has a new book out named Keep Going which gives you 10 ways to stay creative in good and bad and for me it was a fun read. The pages are short and the wisdom easy to digest.
Although it’s written for artist I feel like a lot of the book carries over to being a developer as well. We all have to be a little creative when solving problems and it does a great job of helping you when you are having those bad days. It’s also a natural next step to his previous book Show Your Work.
The book is fairly short, around 200 pages, and is a quick read. Here is the list of chapters to give you an idea what it covers:
- Every day is Groundhog Day
- Build a Bliss Station
- Forget the noun, do the verb
- Make Gifts
- The Ordinary + Extra Attention = The Extraordinary
- Slay the art monsters
- You are allowed to change your mind
- When in doubt, tidy up
- Demons hate fresh air
- Plant your garden
Airplane Mode Have a Hobby Say NO Who are you trying to impress?
It’s full of quotes and drawings and just a fun book. I’d recommend you pick up a copy and get the paperback because the format is great.