Using the Noun Project for Journaling

2018 is just getting started and I know many have set out to start new habits break old ones and begin with a fresh start. One of the things I started is keeping a daily log book so I’ll be able to revisit memories that happen throughout 2018.
As I was researching log books I came across this awesome daily plan bar by Mike Rohde who is the sketchnote genius.
I love how all his have little drawings and color that make it look like a work of art. Not being a great artist I wanted to duplicate this effect and I found a little life hack for creating drawings quickly, search the noun project.
If you are not familiar with the noun project it is the home of millions of icons for almost everything. I use the Mac app but the site works as well. Just enter a keyword and then use the results as inspiration in your log book or journal.
The featured image on this post is an example I put together for this post and I think having the little icons and visual flare makes it easy to come back to in ten years and flip through your history.