1 min read


Having a daily routine is important as it allows you to coast through the day knowing what comes next. For most people, daily routines include going to work, having dinner, picking up the kids, etc. and once it’s ingrained into your daily life it seems to just happen.

I’ve noticed for me my routine of creating stuff changes based on the seasons. In the winter when it’s cold and it gets dark at 5 PM, I tend to spend more time on the computer writing, drawing, or coding. Then when the time changes and the weather turns warm I want to be outside away from all this.

A good example of this is this blog. Check out the yearly posting schedule. From October – February I posted a ton, then the time changed and I’ve stopped writing.

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At the end of the day, there are only 24 hours and if you can’t keep up a daily habit because you’d rather do something else don’t let that bother you. To quote Olin Miller, “You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do!”. Just push it aside and pick it up again when you are ready to start back.

This is also why I’m a fan of TV shows having seasons, Podcast doing seasons, and even software development going through sprints. It allows you a dedicated time to do something then move on to something else. When the end is in sight you can push to it.